The Apartment Tax
In French, known as "taxe d'habitation".
This is a property tax to go toward services such as garbage collection, street cleaning, schools, community facilities, and the administration of these services.
Everyone living in France, resident or not, even if you are just an occupant of the living space. Students in private residences are required to pay. However, students living in a furnished room in a student residence or student housing estate (cité universitaire) managed by the CROUS, or any similar organisation that provides housing for students in similar living and financial situations, are not required to pay this tax. Actually known as "taxe d'habitation".
How much?
The amount varies from region to region and is determined by the local authorities of the region, department and commune who receive the benefits. It is usually equivalent to about one month's rent. The tax is imposed on the principal residence.
Apparently, this tax is usually due January of each year, but some students in my classes have been getting letters now.
Who can be exempted?
Basically, unless you are over 60, a widow(er), earning below poverty, or benefitting from French income assistance, as a student, you can only be exempted if you live in a residence managed by the CROUS.
What if I just don't pay?
There is always the temptation to do some things you would never at home because you know that you're "leaving anyway". If the occupant does not pay, then the owner becomes liable.
Skipping out is an option but aside from being a poor reflection of your character, in the grander scheme of things, you could be partly - if not directly - responsible for any ensuing measures that your welcoming school or Lyon property-owners might take on future exchange students to ensure payment of this tax.
What if I'm only here for one semester?
For those coming only for the second semester, I was told that you can just disregard the letter and normally, you won't hear from the "Trésor Public" again. However, if you get a second letter, you can always check with the housing coordinator of your school on how to proceed.
If you want to find out more, or learn how this tax is calculated, consult the following websites:
impô - Taxe d'habitation (in French)
FrenchEntré (in English)