Getting Insured
This was probably covered during the Go Global pre-departure orientation session but I have a stupid habit of not taking very good notes at, or a pen to, these things. It may also be in the Go Global handbook but I'm starting to believe that I suffer from severe, untreated, ADD. Anyway... I literally can't leave home without this since both the Go Global office and the French consulate need proof of coverage from me.
I contacted Chantille from the Go Global office who helpfully advised me that when she went on exchange, she had a combination of the AMS/GSS plan and BCAA's "dollar a day" coverage (I haven't looked into that). She added that Go Global deal with a private company called David Cummings - for incoming foreign exchange students - but that I could also check with Travel Cuts etc.
What they told me at Travel Cuts
I was presented with a few options (basic and premium) which were between approximately $345-546 for 11 months. Seemed around what I was expecting for being away for so long. I held off in order to shop around.
I went with the AMS/GSS plan
Located next door to Travel Cuts, the girl behind the counter was friendly and helpful and knew exactly what I needed after I told her that I was going on exchange. The AMS/GSS plan - which is usually paid for with your tuition and fees, unless you specifically defer, in which case you must already be covered through another plan - covers all of your out-of-country medical expenses during your stay and up to $1,000,000 of emergency travel health coverage 60 days before and after the duration of your studies abroad.
One exception
The AMS/GSS plan offers no Trip Cancellation coverage, lost luggage etc. It is difficult to find separate coverage for incidentals like these but, it is not impossible. I have a Bank of Montreal Mosaik Mastercard which offers the aforementioned coverage for $60/year. For each trip that I book on my card, the insurance covers $250 for each item lost and up to $750. Most credit cards offer this as a separate insurance.
Note: If you are borrowing one of your parents' cards or anyone else's, check beforehand to see if your belongings could be covered, it's unlikely but worth a call.
Even though Travel Cuts is located right next door to the AMS/GSS office, they may not know that you have out-of-country coverage through the school plan and even if they did know, why should they tell you? You might choose to go with another plan simply because you want that trip cancellation/lost baggage etc. coverage included (I was tempted because I've been told that there are many luggage-thieving imps lurking around Paris), in that case, don't forget to go to the AMS/GSS with your proof of coverage from another plan and request to defer. Since the AMS/GSS plan is deducted automatically from your tuition fees you wouldn't want to end up paying an additional $330 for something you already have.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Your site is very helpful and will definitely be referring back to this for some insights as I move out to France this fall.
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