Faire la grasse matinée is the French expression for "sleeping in". See for an explanation of this expression and its origins.Even though the fight for Sunday shopping in Canada happened in my lifetime, I can't remember life before Sunday was just the day before Monday (except, I think, in Newfoundland). Since my second French Sunday, I have grown fond of this day of forced relaxation and mini break from excessive consumerism.
In Lyon, virtually everything is closed Sundays. Sunday is a day when people relax and enjoy leisure activities, along with taking a stroll in the park, seeing friends, or going to the cinema, another favourite Sunday activity is going to the market for fresh, local produce. There is at least one market in every arrondissements.
I came across this helpful little list of all the Sunday markets in this Saturday's Le progrès and felt it useful enough to post:

Bon dimanche à tous!
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